I’ve been quiet because…

When I started Curiosity in November 2023 I had the good intention of blogging regularly, partly because I enjoy it. But I soon realised that I was becoming busy with work which was brilliant, but also struggling a bit mentally which was frustrating. So in January I decided to take all of the pressure off myself.

As a new business owner, we are under enormous pressure to set up our companies well, find accountants, do marketing, engage with social media…the list is endless. In reality the hours just do not add up, and I also question how important some of all this additional stuff is (beyond the basics of legals and finances).

I am also delightedly busy with work. I work one day a week for the National Centre of Integrative Medicine in Bristol, another day helping create the elearning platform for the Health and Wellbeing Trust, and have just joined the Herbal Alliance to support the community of professional herbalists, and to give herbs lots of love in general.

In my own time, I’m starting to plan some new herbal tea blending workshops where I live, and am creating a course and hopefully one day, a few of my own teas and kits for people to blend. What I realise is there is always tomorrow. None of this has to be done now. It is nice just going with the flow and watch things happen.

So if you have your own business, go gently. I’ve had money worries and had to do juggling and sell a few things. But I genuinely think if you follow your instincts, good things will happen.

And maybe more blogs soon, who knows.

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